NUCLIO – Portugal
NUCLIO is a non-profit association and an NGO for development with the main aim of promoting the inclusion of active research as a tool for science learning in schools. NUCLIO’s activities include training teachers in the use of new technologies, innovative methodologies, promotion of real and contemporary research in classroom where students are introduced to the scientific methods using robotic telescopes, data mining, and other advanced tools for science learning.
NUCLIO has been involved in several EC projects as national coordinator for Portugal and more recently as coordinator of a few projects aiming to introduce innovative practices for science learning in formal and informal settings. NCULIO been leading several international community building efforts, with the mission to support teachers in the uptake of innovative approaches for science learning and the use of a more student-centered approach such as the use of inquiry-based learning methodology, design thinking and interdisciplinarity.
Lusospace – Portugal
LusoSpace is a privately held company, founded in 2002 and since then it has been increasingly involved in the space sector through numerous innovative and diverse programs. Throughout these years LusoSpace was and is involved in more than 30 projects/activities mainly in the area of hardware development for space applications, although with activities for earth applications too. Extensive know-how in critical areas has been fostered and consolidated, which together with a strong team-work culture has allowed LusoSpace to acquire the necessary capabilities to successfully tackle ambitious and technologically challenging projects.
Junta de Freguesia de São Domingos de Rana – Portugal
With about 20 km2, S. Domingos de Rana is one of the four parishes councils belonging to the Municipality of Cascais, along with Alcabideche, União de Cascais e Estoril and União de Carcavelos e Parede. Confirming its remote origin, the settlement of its geographical area contains traces of different periods, from the Paleolithic to the Medieval, passing through the Neolithic/Chalcolithic, Bronze/ Iron, Roman and Visigothic. Being a parish essentially agricultural until a few decades ago, this parish council has grown significantly and has become a vibrant region with neighborhoods undergoing major urban change and with new facilities and services available. In recent years this parish has experienced accelerated development, with a heterogeneous population characterized by a high rate of middle-aged people and young people, having a network of social equipment, such as a Library, Fire Brigade, Marketplace, Health Center, Sports Complex, a traffic school and different schools for pupils of different ages.
Hogskulen pa Vestlandet – Norway
Western Norway University of Applied Science (Høgskulen på Vestlandet, acronym HVL) is one of the largest higher education institutions in Norway. The university collaborates closely with both local and regional authorities as well as stakeholders within industry, academia, hospitals and health and care organizations. Cross-border cooperation through networks and international projects are essential to the efforts of HVL to strengthen the links between education, research and business for excellence. By seeking cooperation with high-caliber educational and research institutions, as well as businesses and other key stakeholders on local and international arenas, we aim to be a regional leading knowledge actor, boost expertise in our own academic fields and eventually build up sufficient expertise to achieve full university status
Science View – Greece
Science View is an organization that promotes science communication and science education activities to help bridge the gap between the scientific community and the wider public in Greece and in Europe. The activities that Science View develops, implements and is involved in are in line with all aspects of Responsible Research and Innovation, since science education, public engagement, open access to scientific information, gender equality and ethical issues represent the main pillars and guiding principles of the organization. Science View aims at enlarging its involvement in RRI and science communication in general, hoping to increase the integration of society and its citizens into research processes and also contribute to the increase of the uptake of STEM related academic and professional careers.
Ellinogermaniki Agogi – Greece
Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) is an educational organization of private law. The Research and Development Department of EA provides the test bed for research applications for the design, development and implementation of the research activities in education, therefore acting as an interface between the pedagogical research, the technological innovation and the school community. EA has implemented numerous projects and initiatives in the field of informal science education trying to bridge the gap between formal and informal science learning. In addition, it has proven experience in actively extending the dialogue between scientific and the educational community, enforcing the collaboration between schools and research organizations, centers and museums, and helping young people to acquire better understanding of the role of science in the society.